Snarfy’s Basic Meatloaf

Apologies for the lack of posts this month – I’m working back toward some normalcy. My mom had a cancer diagnosis so you can imagine where my brain has been. I haven’t been doing a ton of cooking, but been doing a lot of stress eating. Fortunately though, it was caught early and has not…

Hawaiian Sweet Potatoes

These have nothing to do with being Hawaiian except that it’s in the vein of calling things with pineapple “Hawaiian” – like I could be wrong, but I’m pretty sure what we call a Hawaiian pizza (canadian bacon/ham with pineapple) isn’t actually from Hawaii. Y’know, just saying and all. Like how German Chocolate Cake isn’t…

Healthier General Tso’s Chicken

So this recipe isn’t totally 100% on plan for me, but it’s delicious and I figured the extra little bit of non-plan items I was getting wouldn’t hurt too bad.  I really wanted some Chinese-ish for dinner (even though General Tso’s Chicken is totally an American thing… I think…), so I made a sauce that…

Happy Thanksgiving!

It might technically not be Thanksgiving day anymore, but that doesn’t mean that I’m not thankful.  I finally woke up long enough from my post-feast food haze to make this image for you guys, wishing you a (now belated) happy thanksgiving and showing you my feast foods from this year. The food was pretty much…

Fresh Garden Salsa

Over the summer at the Rumpus Room, Archaellys and I grew a few tomato plants and they seemed to ripen all at the same time.  What do you do with a metric asston of tomates?  Make salsa, of course! Now my only thing is that you really need to taste test as you go because…

Parmesan Risotto

Holy crap it’s been a while since I’ve posted in here.  I’m really sorry guys.  I’m even sorry that it’s like a never ending apology show below the actual recipes and food posts that go up in here.  There has been quite a bit going on though… First is that my job has been crazy….

Flourless Chocolate Cake

It was Archaellys’ birthday the other day and I wanted to do something special for him.  I let him pick the movie night noms for that week, but I definitely wanted to add an element of surprise.  I used to bake people homemade cakes from scratch, but of course, with me being gluten free, birthday…

Lost Thanksgiving Recipe Round-Up

There were a few recipes missing from my Thanksgiving post so I’m going to put them all in one place: here.  I know Thanksgiving is pretty much a distant memory as we move closer to Christmas.  It was only a little more than a week ago, guys.  Seriously.  A week.  WTF? Anyway, back to the…

Roasted Carrots and Swiss Chard

These two recipes will conclude the first series of Movie Night Noms.  I like to break up the recipes so they’re not all in one post, but I’m curious if other people like this format. Comment if you have an opinion about it – otherwise I’ll assume this is fine. Roasted carrots are stupid easy…

Mashed Potatoes and Gravy

Who doesn’t love mashed taters and gravy?  They go with everything, especially giant loaves of meat.  They’re really very simple, but everyone always has their own version of mashed potatoes that they swear by.  This is a pretty basic recipe, but just like the meatloaf, it can be augmented to be any other form of…


Isn’t meatloaf amazing guys?  I mean it’s basically a giant loaf of meat.  MEAT.  And there are so many ways you can make it.  I’m going to post a pretty basic meatloaf recipe here, but I’ll include some interesting spins on it for you to try at with the at home version. Now if you…