Crockpot Apple Butter

I’ve been promising to get this recipe posted for what feels like ages. I should have just posted it immediately after making a batch for gifts for the holidays, but I kept forgetting the adjustments I made to a found recipe until now. So those of you that got a jar of Snarfy’s Deluxe Apple…


Yeah.  Not Gluten Free.  I’ve yet to try this with gluten free flours, but since a little gluten is going to inconvenience me more than do harm to me, sometimes I just go all out gluten cheat day.  This is a tried and true pancake recipe.  I hate using a mix, even though it’s reminicent…

Copycat Secret Sauce

Arc just recently introduced me to the magical world of homemade Big Macs.  Dear lawdy pearl it’s been a loooooong time since I’ve had one of those.  I’ve really been making a effort to duplicate things at home rather than buying them because then at least I know exactly what I’m eating, even if it…

Fresh Garden Salsa

Over the summer at the Rumpus Room, Archaellys and I grew a few tomato plants and they seemed to ripen all at the same time.  What do you do with a metric asston of tomates?  Make salsa, of course! Now my only thing is that you really need to taste test as you go because…

Kalua Pig

So… yeah… Kalua Pig.  Do I really need to say much more than it’s FREAKING AMAZING!?!  Imma just hop right into the recipe here, guys.  This is an easy one, and you don’t even need to build an imu in your backyard to roast that pig. Kalua Pig (in an oven) 1 5-7 pound pork…

Parmesan Risotto

Holy crap it’s been a while since I’ve posted in here.  I’m really sorry guys.  I’m even sorry that it’s like a never ending apology show below the actual recipes and food posts that go up in here.  There has been quite a bit going on though… First is that my job has been crazy….

Ghetto Cobbler

My aunt taught me how to make this and of course she didn’t call it Ghetto Cobbler.  She calls it Cherry Delight.  I made it for my co-workers at my former job once though and they kept calling it a cobbler.  Once they found out how I make it, they changed their name a little…

Juicy Papa Cake

I have no idea what I originally called this cake.  I do, however, remember how we started calling it “Juicy Papa” cake.  It’s a rather long inside joke though, so I’ll save you from that.  Just adopt and accept it.  Make it your own.  Just know that this is a stupid easy cake to make and…

Food Porn: Steak Dinner

This was a birthday present to Arc’s ma, who had been wanting a steak dinner for quite some time.  Everything was something that she mentioned that she wanted and I hope she enjoyed her birthday dinner, which was more than a month ago.  That’s how behind I am with posting. Arc was in charge of…

Food Porn: Asian Night

Guys… I feel terribad… I can’t find the recipe I wrote down for the char siu marinade. HOLY CRAP.  WTF.  STOP THE PRESSES!  Okay, okay, I can calm my tots.  I’ll give it another stab and make char siu again, this time with red food dye of some sort so it has that classic red…

Garlic Bread Pizza: Revisited

The obvious: I’ve been crazy busy lately.  This means I haven’t been posting regularly again.  I’m very sorry. I’m doing my best to get caught up over the next several days.  However, life has just been that busy.  Thanks for putting up with me and my poor little neglected food blog.  Some day I’ll actually…

Taco Night

Ummmm… tacos.  Yes.  I love tacos. I dunno that I actually have to post a recipe for these, but let me know in the comments if you think I should or if you have any specific questions.  There’s so many pieces to assembling tacos like this that maybe I just don’t know where to begin….