
One thing I really enjoy is breakfast. In trying to eat better, I am trying to have more veggies throughout the day, but it’s hard to incorporate them at breakfast sometimes. I also have a hard time with having enough time in the morning for a veggie filled breakfast. That’s why I love breakfasts that…

Avocado, Chicken, & Egg Salad

So I’ve been doing some clean eating meal plans with Johanna at Love Your Health again to clean up after the delicious horror story that was eating around the holidays. In January, I did her free 5-day Whole Food Challenge with my whole family and some friends to get back in the habit of eating better….

Food Porn: Breakfast

I’m sorry guys. I’ve been really bad about staying on top of my posts. Ideally, I would have the movie night nom post up either on movie night or the day after. Here I am posting last week’s dinner and it’s come back around to the next movie night already. Dang. Life just gets in…

Poached Eggs

I feel like poached eggs don’t get enough play.  They kind of get lumped into “diet eggs” but I think a perfectly poached egg is something that is pretty freaking majestic.  If I still ate toast, these would be amazing on some sourdough. Poached Eggs Eggs White Vinegar Crack the egg into a small bowl…